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Google Rolls Out August 2024 Core update

In the latest Core Algorithm update, Google takes further steps to improve their search algorithm and reward good content.

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graphic of charts and google search box

Google has announced a rollout of it's next Core Algorithm Update, beginning in August 2024.

The biggest highlight from this announcement is the commitment to "showing more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well on Search".


Google Core Update August 2024: The facts

While this update is rolling out in August, it's expected to take up to a month to fully implement, meaning that websites may experience fluctuations in their rankings and results into September.

Unlike the March 2024 update, which had a specific list of targeted outcomes, this is very much a content-focused update, aiming to target poor content that doesn't have relevance, and is generated for SEO rather than for actual users.

One of the key drivers behind this update has been feedback from stakeholders and creators.

How to respond to Google's August 2024 Core Algorithm Update

As always, Google has provided documentation for the new updates on their website to help people understand how best to implement a positive, successful SEO strategy and avoid the pitfalls that put you on Google's bad side.

But for SEOs the story remains the same - if you keep producing good, relevant content that your users love and find useful, you'll be on the right path.